Saturday, June 16, 2012

'Once I was lost to the point of disgust'

Drinking red wine on your own is almost never a good idea. I feel like an alcoholic, even though I am indeed proceeding to go on a reluctant night out in Dublin town. I need to get out more and stop worrying about logisitics, where and where from and where to and then where to therefafter. Admittedly, I am a bit drunk writing this. I've drank three glasses already while watching 'Friends', which is actually funnier with the warm glow of a good glass of red. Also, it's this super healthy, like, organic shit so sure, I might as well be eating a grapefruit. I'm getting so many benefits. I can feel them. Now. 
My grandmother always said 'Ein Glasse Wein pro Tag ist gut für dein Herz' (a glass of wine per day good for your heart). Having said that, that woman drank four glasses of scotch, fifteen billion glasses of wine and smoked 40 cigarettes 'pro Tag' before she was bedridden (I am super depressed about that, don't get me wrong). So, I' not sure if she's necessarily the Guru of safe alcohol consumption/alcohol consumption in proportion to how much company you have. 

Yeah, so, I've been to Switzerland in the last two weeks which was pretty strange. I'm usually there with my Mum who orders for me and speaks gibberish over lunch with a non-alcoholic fizzy substance so this time having to order a 'Kaffee Natur' by myself was considerably challenging. My German, although I like to think I'm fluent, needs improving. I stayed with Nathalie, the beautiful, intelligent tanned Swiss-Polish penpal I've had for the last couple of years. We shared a bed, went to the cinema a couple of times, ate pretzels and got reasonably drunk with her boyfriend and his Graffiti-artist mates. I'm just so cool. 

And now what am I doing? Oh no, I just realised I linked this blog to my 'Linkedin' profile. Best remove it when I'm less drunk so my future employers don't cease to consider me and also worry about me. Nothing to worry about, really. I'm just fine on me Tobler. For serious. 

Anyway, love y'all. Y'all who read that is. 

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